
Workplace Safety & Compliance Facilitators

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Mitigate risk and ensure OHSA compliance
Prioritize a safety-first mindset
Why us?

Part of Austin's present, Facilitating its future

We recognize that Austin is evolving. More people are working in the metro area than ever thanks to the technology and manufacturing powerhouses reshaping the economy and its workforce. Austin Safety Council cares about the future of our city and the people building that future. 

ASC is the safety training and occupational health facility specifically serving Austin. We create, manage, and deliver customized training for the industries powering the city’s growth. By offering dual-language courses in English and Spanish and offering courses online or in-person, we tailor training to the community around us.

ASC uses innovative technology in service of enhanced safety training and efficient jobsite management. We provide access to courses proven to help lower safety incident rates, severity rates, and costs. Private classes hosted at your site are also available upon request.

Our culture

Safety is a Mindset

Austin Safety Council was founded by experienced safety specialists who know first-hand the importance of preparedness. We know that safety is not a matter of cutting corners or checking boxes — it’s the foundation for everything that happens on a job site. Before the first hammer hits a nail or the first boot hits the factory floor, employees and employers should be prepared to limit accidents and mitigate risk. 

“For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” - Eleanor Everet 

On top of technical training, ASC’s education is continuous — what clients learn in our facility sticks with them after they walk out, ensuring that they make it home safely to their families each night. 

Our core values: Community > Consistency > Accountability > Preparation

Contact Us

Let us know how we can help you.